Michelle Martin
Senior AML Associate
Ms. Michelle Martin is President, ComplianceAid, AMLFC Institute & theList.pro. She possesses over twenty-four years of experience in banking, insurance, regulatory compliance, public and private accounting. She is a Certified Anti-Money Laundering & Financial Crimes Prevention Professional (CAMLFC) and Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists (CAMS). Ms. Martin is founder of the Anti-Money Laundering and Financial Crimes Institute (AMLFC Institute). During the last 8 years; Ms. Martin was an invited speaker at 37 Conferences/Seminars in 31 countries where 10,000+ Financial Industry executives were educated on Anti-Money Laundering (AML), Counter Financing of Terrorism (CFT), Financial Crimes Prevention (FCP) & Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) topics. Ms. Martin has trained over 600 Senior Public Officials, Members of Parliament and Ministers from the Americas. She developed and implemented 73 AML/CFT Policies, Procedures and Risk Assessment Program for Financial Institutions active in multi-jurisdiction that led to uniform risk mitigating procedures design to detect, deter, prevent for compliance with laws and regulations of 21 countries. She also contributed with 47 main stream media to produce reports on Anti-Money Laundering issues directed toward the general public or business community. Recently, she instituted the customer risk rating system of a top U.S. Bank with customer base of 7.5 million and coordinated an enhance due diligence (EDD) remediation project of all high risk customers.